The following is to be used as a quick reference for the cooking and programming of the Computron 7000 control. If more detail is needed, refer to
the Computron 7000 excerpt in this manual.
Cooking Operation r
1. Make sure that the keyswitch is in the “COOK” position. Push the power switch to the “COOK” position.
2. If the red MELT light is on, wait for it to turn off.
3. Push the grey SELECT PRODUCT switch to pick the product to cook. This switch will keep selecting products until released. If.you go past your ’
product, keep pushing the switch, you will come back to it.
4. Drop the product when the green READY light stays on and does not flash. Close the lid. Push TIMER to start the cooking timer. The display
will show the time remaining.
5. The product is done when the buzzer beeps and the yellow DONE light flashes. Push TIMER to stop the buzzer. Open the lid and remove the product.
6. To cook more of the same product, go to Step 4. To cook a different product, go to Step 3.
If the display shows “Fil”, then it is time to filter the shortening. You can either filter, or bypass filtering:
TO FILTER: Push power switch to “OFF”; filter as usual; go to Step 1. Pump runs with power switch in “PUMP” position.
TO BYPASS FILTERING: Push power switch to “OFF” for about 3 seconds, then back to “COOK”. Go to Step 3.
Cooking alarms may occur while the timer is running. The display will flash “AL 1” for the first alarm, “AL 2” for the second, and so on. The buzzer *
will beep 3 times, then stop. DO NOT PUSH THE TIMER SWITCH DURING THE ALARMS!
The meaning of the alarms depends on your cooking process. They can be used as “stir” or “almost done” messages to the frycook.
The green PRESSURE light will turn on during the cook cycle if the control calls for pressure. Pressure gauge shows the actual pot pressure. *
Use idle mode to conserve energy and shortening life. It can be entered manually or automatically. Put the fryer into Idle mode by pushing SELECT
PRODUCT until the red IDLE light (in the menu area) turns on.
, -* If the control automatically goes into Idle, the IDLE light will turn on. To resume cooking, go to Step 3.
If the timer is accidentally started, push the TIMER switch to stop it.
If an error in the fryer occurs, the buzzer will sound until you push the TIMER switch. The display will show an error code:
E 5 Pot temperature is too high.
E 1: Temperature probe has failed.
High limit has tripped; also flashes red HI LIMIT light.
E 41 Memory lost - reprogram complete unit.
The display will continue to flash the error code until the error is fixed. You cannot cook until the error is fixed.
rogramming Products
Move the keyswitch to the “Program” position to set cooking times and temperatures. When done, move it back to “COOK,” /
You push switches to program. Switches are black or grey squares with white boarders. Don’t push on the lighted words on the front panel!
Example: “push SELECT PRODUCT: means push the switch above the red SELECT PRODUCT light.
Push SELECT PRODUCT to pick the product to program. The red light in the menu area shows the selected product. u
Push SELECT FUNCTION to pick the item to program: time, temperature, etc. The flashing light is the item you e setting, the other lights
show what can be set.
Push SELECT TIME to see the times set for the product. You can set up to 10 times in each product. These are called interval times.
You can push SELECT TIME with an item displayed to see that item at all times in the program. Example: with TEMP flashing, push SELECT
TIME to see all temperatures.
Push the change switches under the display to change the number displayed. Push the change switch under a number to increase that number by
one. If a change switch can be used, the red light above that switch is on.
For example: if the time 13:25 is displayed, change it to 13:35 by pushing the switch under the “2”.
e Product times can be set from 0O:OO (minutes:seconds) to 99:59. To add a new time, push SELECT TIME until 0O:OO is displayed, then set the
new time. To change a time, push SELECT TIME until the desired time is shown, then push the change switches to set the new time. To remove
a time, push SELECT TIME until the desired time is shown, then push the change switches until the display shows 0O:OO