affect opera tion. High tem peratures ma y also
degrade performance.
Do not expose th e Hisense HB420S t o rain or other
The Bluetooth® w ord mark and log os are owned by the
Bluetooth SIg, I nc. and any use o f such marks b y Hisense
is under license. ot her trademar ks and trade names are
those of their respective owners.
1. Bluetooth is a radio technology that
connects devices, such as mobile phones and
headsets, with out wires or cor ds over a shor t
distance (approx. 30 feet). get mo re informati on at
2. Bluetooth profiles are the different w ays that
Bluetooth devices communicate with other devices .
Bluetooth phones s upport eith er the headset p rofile,
the hands-free profile or both. In order to suppor t
a certain profile, a phone manufacturer m ust
implement certai n mandatory f eatures with in the
phone’s software.
3. Pairing creates a unique and encrypted link between
two Bluetooth d evices and let s them communica te
with each other. Blue tooth devices will not work if
the devices have not been paired successfuly.
4. Passkey or PIN is a code that you enter on your
mobile phone to pair it with yo ur Hisense HB420S.
This makes y our phone and the Hi sense HB 420S
recognize e ach other and autom atically work
5. Standby Mode is when the Hisense HB420S is
passively waiti ng for a call. W hen you ‘end’ a c all on
your mobile phone, the headset goes into standby
6. A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Pr ofile) is a
Bluetooth profile that enables stereo sound. Bot h
the headset and the device it connec ts to must
support A2DP in order to hear A 2DP sound in the
7. AVRCP (Audio Video Remote Control P rofile) is a
Bluetooth profile t hat enables rem ote control of the
device that the head set is connecte d to. Both the
headset and the dev ice it connect s to must suppor t
AVRCP in order for AVRCP to work.
Dispose of the prod uct according to local standard s and
regulations or local laws.