The following surround settings will reproduce the "live" sound you would hear in concert halls, sports stadiums, movie theaters, etc. when you set up your speaker system as shown in the section on audio system setup on pages
When using WIRELESS SOUND, REAR SPEAKERS mode must be chosen to receive the SURROUND audio program.
To enter the SURROUND MODE, use THUMB STICK or
to highlight then press down on THUMB STICK
to select SURROUND MODE of your choice.
Now press THUMB STICK or
to highlight, then press down on THUMB STICK
to select speaker to be adjusted.
to adjust the volume of REAR and MAIN speakers. MAIN volume also controls AUDIO TO
Each SURROUND setting has separate MAIN and REAR volume controls, except OFF and DOLBY 3 STEREO which has no rear volume controls. DOLBY PRO LOGIC and DOLBY 3 STEREO also have CENTER volume controls, while MATRIX and HALL have BALANCE controls. (Balance while in DOLBY PRO LOGIC and DOLBY 3 STEREO modes is adjusted by using the TEST TONE volume controls. The CENTER and REAR volume will increase or decrease when MAIN is adjusted, keeping an equal balance between the SURROUND channels.
The maximum volume allowed for the CENTER and REAR will depend on how loud the MAIN volume is set.
SURROUND OFFUse this for normal stereo/mono broadcasts.
MATRIX SURROUNDListener is surrounded by many sound sources such as a sporting event.
Some TV systems do not transmit optimum audio channel separation which can reduce the effectiveness of the MATRIX SURROUND function.