Depth gauge

Side handle

Loosen Tighten

Fig. 8

8.IMPACT to ROTATION changeover (Fig. 9)

Shift the change lever between the right and left positions to switch easily between IMPACT (rotation and impact) and ROTATION (rotation only), respectively.

To bore holes in hard materials such as concrete,

stone and tiles, shift the change lever to the right- hand position (as indicated by the mark).

The drill bit operates by the combined actions of impact and rotation.

To bore holes in metal, wood and plastic, shift the

change lever to the left-hand position (as indicated by the mark). The drill bit operates by rotational action only, as in the case of a conventional electric



￿Do not use the Impact Drill in the IMPACT function if the material can be bored by rotation only. Such action will not only reduce drill efficiency, but may also damage the drill tip.

￿Operating the Impact Drill with the change lever in mid-position may result in damage. When switching, make sure that you shift the change lever to the correct position.

Change lever

Impact Rotation

Fig. 9

9.High-speed/Low-speed changeover:

Prior to changing speed, ensure that the switch is in the OFF position, and the drill has come to a complete stop.

To change speed, rotate the gear shift dial as indicated by the arrow in Fig. 10. The numeral “1” engraved on the drill body denotes low speed, the numeral “2” denotes high speed.

If it is hard to turn the gear shift dial, turn the chuck slightly in either direction and then turn the gear shift dial again.

Gear shift dial

Fig. 10


1. Switch operation

￿When the trigger is depressed, the tool rotates. When the trigger is released, the tool stops.

￿The rotational speed of the drill can be controlled by varying the amount that the trigger switch is pulled. Speed is low when the trigger switch is pulled slightly and increases as the trigger switch is pulled more.

￿The desired rotation speed can be pre-selected with the speed control dial.

Turn the speed control dial clockwise for higher speed and counterclockwise for lower speed. (Fig. 11)

￿Pulling the trigger and pushing the stopper, it keeps the switched-on condition which is convenient for continuous running. When switching off, the stopper can be disconnected by pulling the trigger again.


Speed control dial

Low speed




Switch trigger

Fig. 11

2. Drilling

￿When drilling, start the drill slowly, and gradually increasing speed as you drill.

￿Always apply pressure in a straight line with the bit. Use enough pressure to keep drilling, but do not push hard enough to stall the motor or deflect the bit.

￿To minimize stalling or breaking through the material, reduce pressure on drill and ease the bit through the last part of the hole.

￿If the drill stalls, release the trigger immediately, remove the bit from the work and start again. Do not click the trigger on and off in an attempt to start a stalled drill. This can damage the drill.

￿The larger the drill bit diameter, the larger the reactive force on your arm.

Be careful not to lose control of the drill because of this reactive force.

To maintain firm control, establish a good foothold, use side handle, hold the drill tightly with both hands, and ensure that the drill is vertical to the material being drilled.