2.3Graphical User Interface (GUI)

(1)Type I manual stage

It is for image shift operation. Move the mouse pointer to a position and press down

left or right button. The pointer will be changed to mark. Move mouse to target position while holding down the button and then release the button.

If the above target position is near the center of the image area, the mouse trace line is changed and the target position is moved to the center of image.

(2)Type II motorized stage

All 5 axes are controlled with stage control tools.

Refer to < Operation Methods Used to Move the Specimen Stage> for operation procedure.

2.3.9Setup Dialog Window

The Setup dialog window has four tabs. To open the dialog window, use the following operation.

(1)Click the Setup button on the Tool button area of the Operation panel.

(2)Select following commands from the Setup menu.

Setup - Optics Setup:

Opens Optics tab

Setup - Condition Load:

Opens Op. Cond tab

Setup - Condition Save:

Opens Op. Cond tab

Setup - Image Display:

Opens Image tab

Setup - Photo Condition: Opens Record tab

Setup - Data Display:

Opens Record tab

(3)Click the Detail button on the Cond tab of the Operation panel.

(4)Click the Load/Save button on the Cond tab of the Operation panel.

(5)Clicking Accelerating voltage on the Control Panel and the Emission display area: Optics tab

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