1. Drain the water from the extension case.
While depressing the engine stop button to prevent starting, pull the
starter rope several times to expel the water from the extension case.
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Do not rest the motor on its side until the water has been expelled from Do not rest the motor on its side until the water has been expelled from
the extension case, otherwise water will seep into the exhaust system. the extension case, otherwise water will seep into the exhaust system.
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In cold weather, the water must be expelled from the extension case to In cold weather, the water must be expelled from the extension case to
prevent ice from forming in the water pump and water tube. prevent ice from forming in the water pump and water tube.
2. Drain the fuel
1. Turn the fuel valve lever off.
2. Remove the fuel filler cap and drain the gasoline from the fuel tank in-
to a suitable container.
3. Turn the fuel valve lever on, loosen the carburetor drain screw , and
drain the gasoline into a suitable container.
4. After draining, retighten the drain screw.
5. Make sure the fuel cap vent knob is turned to OFF.
Be careful not to spill fuel. Spilled fuel or fuel vapor may ignite. If any
fuel is spilled, make sure the area is dry before storing or transporting
the motor.
Do not smoke or allow flames or sparks where fuel is drained or stored.