Periodic maintenance and adjustments are necessary to keep your
mower in good operating condition. Service and inspect according to
If you do not follow these safety precautions,
you can be seriously hurt or killed.
Carefully read and follow all safety
The engine and exhaust system become hot enough to burn you and
may cause a fire if flammable materials are nearby. Allow the engine
to cool for at least 15 minutes before maintenance or indoor storage.
Gasoline is highly flammable and explosive. Refuel outdoors with the
engine stopped. Wipe up spills immediately. Never use gasoline to
clean parts.
To prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, stop the engine before
making any inspection or repair. If you must run the engine, do it
outdoors or provide adequate ventilation. If you start feeling drowsy,
stop the engine immediately and get fresh air.
Use genuine Honda parts or their exact equivalent for maintenance
and repair. Lower quality parts may damage the mower or reduce its
Keep all nuts, bolts, and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in
safe working order.
Wear heavy gloves to protect your hands when working on the
mower, especially when you work on or near the blade and
disconnect the spark plug cap.