Symptoms Possible Cause(s) Solution
All Interfaces
During power
up the unit
beeps 3 times.
There is a non-volatile
RAM failure. Contact a service representative.
During power
up the unit
There is a RAM or
ROM failure. Contact a service representative.
During power
up the unit
razzes once
and the blue
LED flashes.
There is a VLD failure. Contact a service representative.
During power
up the unit
razzes twice
and both LEDs
There is a scanner
motor failure. Contact a service representative.
RS232 Only
The unit powers
up OK and
scans OK but
does not
properly to the
The com port at the
host is not working or
is not configured
properly. Check to make sure that the
baud rate and parity of the
scanner and the communication
port match and that the program
is looking for RS232 data.
The cable is not
connected to the
proper com port.
The com port is not
operating properly.