Network Occupancy Commands: All TB7200 and TB7300 series thermostat have 3 occupancy command levels. This is
valid for all BACnet-MS-TP and wireless thermostats.
Stand-by is never a commandable level. It only exists as a feedback status level.
Network Occupancy Feedback Status: All TB7200 and TB7300 series thermostats have 4 occupancy feedback levels. This
is valid for BACnet-MS-TP or wireless models.
1. MV Objects Used for Occupancy Commands and Feedback
* MV Object IDs only apply to BACnet thermostats.
Initial State, PIR Occupancy Routine: The initial effective occupancy state on power-up with either a PIR cover is
present or one of the inputs is configured for a remote PIR sensor is always:
• In stand-alone applications at power-up: Local occupancy mode = Stand-by
• From a previous network unoccupied command: Local occupancy mode = Stand-by
• From a previous network occupied command: Local occupancy mode = Occupied.
Table 1. Three levels occupancy state level commands.
State Occupancy
Command Levels
Local occupancy •Releases the thermostat to its own occupancy schemes
•This may be a PIR sensing device, a local schedule or an occupancy routine done by one of the
digital input
•This state command level is used to effectively release the thermostat to use the PIR functions
Occupied •Leaves the thermostat in occupied mode and cancels any local occupancy functions, including the
PIR occupancy routine
•This state command level is used to force the zone to be always occupied
Unoccupied •Leaves the thermostat in unoccupied mode and cancels any local occupancy functions, including
the PIR occupancy routine
•This state command level is used to force the zone to be always unoccupied.
•The only local possible command is a local override if the thermostat is equipped with such an
option or if the local keypad lockout allows so
State Occupancy
Command Levels
Override / By-Pass Indicates that the zone is currently local occupied override mode from the unoccupied state
This function will operate like a normal local override and its time value is as dictated by the ToccTime
configuration parameter setting
Occupied Indicates that the zone is currently occupied
This effective feedback state may be driven by a local occupancy routine like a PIR sensor or by an
occupied network command
Stand-By Indicates that the zone is currently in stand-by mode
This effective feedback state can only be driven by a local PIR occupancy routine
Unoccupied Indicates that the zone is currently unoccupied
This effective feedback state may be driven by a local occupancy routine like a PIR sensor or by an
unoccupied network command
Object Name BACnet
Object ID*
Index Text
Occupancy Command MV 13
1 Local Occupancy ( PIR or Internal Schedule )
2 Occupied
3 Unoccupied
Effective Occupancy MV 83
2 Unoccupied
3 Temporary Occupied
4 Stand-By