CPU PowerSetting Tab

Allows you to configure the CPU power setting to extend the battery life or to increase the CPU performance.

Choose either Auto Power or Manual Power. Selecting Manual Power allows for either 104, 416, or 624 MHZ. The CPU operates at or above the selected frequency depending on the terminal’s state.

Wakeup SourceTab

Determines when the terminal wakes up. You may select the incidences when the terminal wakes by checking the appropriate box.

Note: When the terminal “powers off”, it enters Suspend Mode, see page 3-16for additional information.

Regional Settings

Regional Settings enables you to customize the appearance and formatting to your geographic region. Specifically, you can customize numbers (i.e., number of decimal places allowed), currency (i.e.,using the $ or symbol), time, and date. These specifications apply to all screens, including the Home screen. The Region tab displays an overview of the region selected in the drop-down list at the top.

The terminal is loaded with a number of pre-programmed regional settings. Select one from the list and the results appear on the screen. To see specific settings or to change a specific setting, tap on one of the tabs, make the change, and tap OK to save it.

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