TrueSTEAM Direct-Injection Humidifier
9 69-2035EFS—05
Homeowner troubleshootingIf you have difficulty with TrueSTEAM, please try the following suggestions.
Most problems can be corrected quickly and easily.
Problem Look For What to Do
Low humidity Humidifier heater is
not operating • Confirm that power light is on.
• Set the humidistat higher.
• Check that the furnace power is on.
• Reset your circuit breaker or check for blown fuse.
• If fault persists, turn humidistat off, unplug unit,
reset circuit breaker and call a professional HVAC
Rapid air changes.
Drafts (cold air
is dry and is an
added load for the
• Keep doors and windows closed.
• Close fireplace damper when not in use.
• Keep exhaust fan running time to a minimum.
• Seal around doors and windows.
High Humidity Condensation on
• Turn off the humidity control until condensation is
completely evaporated. Lower humidistat setting to
prevent reoccurance of condensation (see pages 2–4
for controlling humidity levels).
condensation on
• Turn humidity control down low enough to eliminate
condensation caused by moisture from bathing,
mopping, cooking, etc. If moisture persists, more
ventilation is needed.
Call for
Service LED
is blinking
TrueSTEAM has
detected one of 15
system faults.
• Press Reset button.
• If fault persists, turn off power supply to the
humidifier, and turn back on.
• If fault persists, call a professional HVAC contractor.