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ORDERING INFORMATIONWhen purchasing replacement and modernization products from your TRADELINE® wholesaler or distributor, refer to the
TRADELINE® Catalog or price sheets for complete ordering number.
If you have additional questions, need further information, or would like to comment on our products or services, please write or
1. Your local Home and Building Control Sales Office (check white pages of your phone directory).
2. Home and Building Control Customer Logistics
Honeywell Inc., 1885 Douglas Drive North
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4386
In Canada—Honeywell Limited/Honeywell Limitée, 35 Dynamic Drive, Scarborough, Ontario M1V 4Z9.
International Sales and Service Offices in all principal cities of the world. Manufacturing in Australia, Canada, Finland, France,
Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, U.S.A.
The specifications given in this publication do not
include normal manufacturing tolerances. Therefore,
this unit might not exactly match the listed
specifications. Also, this product is tested and
calibrated under closely controlled conditions, and
some minor differences in performance can be
expected if those conditions are changed.
TRADELINE® models are selected and packaged to provide
ease of stocking, ease of handling, and maximum
replacement value. TRADELINE® model specifications are
the same as those of standard models except as noted below.
TRADELINE® Models Available:
D896 Automatic Vent Damper with 4-wire plug receptacle.
•TRADELINE® pack with cross reference label.
•8 ft (2.4m), 4-wire cable with mating plug for D896 on one
end and mating plug for 86/S8600/S8610/S8620 or Penn
Baso G60 or G66 plug receptacle on the other end. Both
ends equipped with an outlet box connector.
Standard Models
D896 Automatic Aluminized Vent Dampers: available in 4
in. to 9 in.
D896 Stainless Steel Vent Dampers: available in 10 in. to
12 in.
Actuator assembly includes motor, relay, interlock switch,
safe-start circuit, and 4-pin plug receptacle. See Fig. 5.
Damper Size:
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in. diameter (102, 127, 152,
178, 203, 229, 254, 279 and 305 mm diameter).
For use only on Underwriters Laboratories Inc. listed and
American Gas Association design certified atmospheric type,
gas-fired furnaces and boilers equipped with a draft hood that
has an outlet area no larger than the damper inlet area. Do
not use with oil-fired furnace or boiler, power burner, or direct
vent furnace or boiler. See Location and Mounting
subsections in Installation section for additional application
Maximum Appliance Input Rating:
Nominal Damper
Outlet Diameter Maximum Appliance
(in.) (mm) (Btuh) (W)
4 102 95,000 27,835
5 127 148,000 43,364
6 152 212,000 62,116
7 178 290,000 84,970
8 203 377,000 110,461
9 229 475,000 139,175
10 254 590,000 173,500
11 280 715,000 210,300
12 305 942,000 277,000
Electrical Ratings:
Power Supply: 24 Vac, 60 Hz.
Motor: 3.0 VA maximum.
Relay: 0.1 VA maximum.
Contact Rating:
Relay: 10.0A at 250 Vac.
End Switch (Micro): 3.0A at 24 Vac.
Do not use with 120V or millivoltage, self-generating