68-0244 2
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Honeywell, 1985 Douglas Drive North, MN10-1461
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At 120°F (49°C) plenum temperature and 0.20 static
pressure drop across supply and return:
HE225A,B: 12 gallons per day (gpd) or 46 liters per
day (lpd).
HE265A,B: 17 gallons per day (gpd) or 65 liters per
day (lpd).
Electrical Ratings:
24 Vac, 60 Hz, 0.5A.
Humidified Area:
See Table 1.
Humidifier Pad Dimensions:
See Table 2.
Plenum Opening Dimensions (Height x Width):
See Table 3.
Summer Shut-off Damper Dimensions (Height x Width):
See Table 4.
Bypass Duct Opening (Diameter):
6 in. (152 mm).
Drain Connection:
1/2 in. (13 mm) I.D. plastic hose connected directly to drain
fitting on unit.
Refer to Fig. 1 and 2.
Table 1. Size Of Area That Can Be Humidified.
Table 2. Dimensions Of Humidifier Pads In In. (mm).
Table 3. Dimensions Of Plenum Opening In In. (mm).
Table 4. Dimensions Of Summer Shut-off Damper
In In. (mm).
HE225 Area (Up To) HE265 Area (Up To)
House Description Air Changes Per Hour Sq ft Sq m Sq ft Sq m
Loose Two 750 70 1,000 93
Average One 1,500 140 2,000 186
Tight One-half 3,000 280 4,000 372
Model Height Width Depth
HE225 9-13/16 (249) 9-1/2 (241) 1-1/2 (38)
HE265 13 (330) 10 (254) 1-1/2 (38)
Model Height Width
HE225 9-7/16 (241) 9-5/16 (238)
HE265 12-5/8 (321) 9-3/4 (248)
Model Height Width
HE225 9-3/16 (234) 8-7/8 (226)
HE265 12-3/8 (314) 9-5/16 (236)