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Describing Perfection
The most convenient, most energy efficient, cleanest, healthiest and
most comfortable indoor environment possible today! Perfect climate is
achieved when the components of a home’s climate system work
•optimal efficiency heating and cooling equipment.
•precise, programmable temperature control.
•high efficiency air cleaning/filtering.
•proper humidity control.
•proper ventilation and air distribution.
• whole house water filter.
•security system.
•lighting control.
•multi-zone temperature control.
Products for a
Perfect Climate® System
Heating and cooling system: This is the workhorse of your indoor
climate system. Good advice is to have your local heating/cooling
contractor tune up your system annually for comfort, safety and
economy reasons. If your heating plant is old, think about replacing it
with a modern and improved unit. Advances in product technology have
very impressively increased the efficiency of equipment. Sometimes the
improved performance will pay back much of the cost in a few short
For additional information about the Honeywell Perfect Climate®
System, please visit our website at www.honeywell.com/yourhome, or
call the 24-hour automated information line at 1-800-468-1502.