Honeywell Proprietary
RDI Series Residential Door Interlock
Key Features and BenefitsFeature Benefit Customer Feedback
Internal solenoid control
Reduces complexity of host controller Likes simplification of host controller
Reduces power consumption of system Energy savings "green"
Extends solenoid life Recognized longer life
Solenoid does not time out, reducing owner aggravation Strong selling feature of interlock
Two (2) separate mechanical
actions required to indicate door
Provides redundancy Strong selling feature of interlock
No open contacts Switching mechanism cannot be adjusted by operator Reduces owner’s ability to manually
adjust; extends life of product
Door closure retention feature Door is held closed with minimal key to interlock play
Door movement can cause unwanted
Requires less adjustment set up time
Key engagement initiates electrical
contact Minimizes nuisance stoppage of elevator Alignment issues are minimized,
preference in market place
Configurable product platform
Allows for OEM customization Strong preference/saves time
Various electrical connection options which include
terminal strips and rigid mount Cat 5 Saves time and money during installation
Various locking strengths available up to 10x code Great selling feature for OEM
Metal key More reliable than plastic key Plastic keys bend, nuisance/safety issue
Manual override Designed for easy actuation Recognized feature