VisionPROTM 8000 Touchscreen Programmable Thermostat
17 68-0280—01
0260 Cycles per hour (cph) for
3rd Stage Heat
(Aux Heat for 3H/2C
Heat Pumps)
1—1 cph used for steam and gravity
3—3 cph for hot water systems and high efficiency (90%
or better) furnaces
5—5 cph for standard fossil fuel forced air (less than 90%
efficient) systems (factory setting)
9—9 cph used for electric furnaces or electric auxiliary
heat for heat pump systems
2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12—other cycle rate settings
Only shown if 3H/2C
heat pump is selected.
0270 Cycles per hour (cph) for
Em Heat
3—3 cph for hot water systems and high efficiency (90%
or better) furnaces
5—5 cph for standard fossil fuel forced air (less than 90%
efficient or better) systems
9—9 cph for electric strip heat for heat pumps
Only shown if 2H/1C or
3H/2C heat pump is
0280 Continuous Backlight 0—Backlight not on continuously. Thermostat backlight
comes on with each key press.
1—Backlight is on continuously (thermostat must have a
common wire attached for this function).
Option is always shown;
however, continuously on
backlight works only if
thermostat is wired with
24 Vac Common.
0300 Changeover 0—manual changeover (factory setting)
1—auto changeover
0310 Deadband He ating and cooling setpoints can be set no closer than
chose n val ue:
2—2°F (1.5°C)
3—3°F (2°C)
4—4°F (2.5°C)
5—5°F (3°C)
6—6°F (3.5°C)
7—7°F (4°C)
8—8°F (4.5°C)
9—9°F (5°C)
Shown only if automatic
changeover is selected.
0320 Temperature Indication
0—fahrenheit temperature display (factory setting)
1—celsius temperature display
0330 Daylight Savings 1—daylight savings is on (factory setting).
0—daylight savings is off.
Set to 0 in areas that do
not follow daylight
0340 Remote Temperature
Sensor (Outdoor or
0—no remote temperature sensor
1—o ut d oo r te m per at u re s en s or f or d is p lay on l y.
2—outdoor temperature sensor for control. Outdoor
sensor used for Heat Pump Lockout settings. (See Heat
Pump Temperature Lockout section for more details.)
3—indoor temperature sensor
Defaults and Options
depend on System Type
Indoor Temperature
Sensor uses an averaging
network and does not
include on-board sensor.
0350 Heat Pump Compressor
Lockout or (Balance
0—no c omp ress or l ocko ut.
15°F (-9.5°C)
20°F (-6.5°C)
25°F (-4°C)
30°F (-1°C)
35°F (1.5°C)
40°F (4.5°C)
45°F (7°C)
Default depends on other
selections. Shown if
Outdoor Temperature for
control is selected. (See
Advanced Features
section for more
Table 3. Installer Setup Menu. (Continued)
Installer Setup
Number Installer Setup Name Settings Notes