– 31 –
Paging Feature (cont’d)
About Manual Paging
Your system may be set up so you can manually send a message to up to four (VISTA-
20P Series) or two (VISTA-15P Series) pagers.
• Your in staller programs the paging function key and the pager phone numbers.
• Pressing the paging keys sends the message 999–9999 to the selected pager.
• This message could mean “call home”, “call your office”, or any other pr earranged
• See the Paging chart at the back of this manual for details of the paging setup for
your system.
1. Press and hold the programmed Paging Key for at
least 2 seconds (wait for beep), then p ress the pager
number (1-4)* representing the pager intended to
receive the message.
2. The recipien t, on seeing the 999–9999 message, will
understand the prearranged meaning of this signal.
* If no number is pressed, the message is sent to pager 1.
Pagers 1-4 for VISTA-20P Series; 1-2 for VISTA-15P Series.
Alpha Display:
Fixed-Word Display: READY
Pager Display
Latch Key Paging
You can program a schedule that causes a pager report to be sent if the system is not
DISARMED by the scheduled time (see Scheduling section, event “03”). For example,
a working parent might want a message to be sent to a pager if their child did not
arrive home from school and disarm the system by a certain time.
If programmed, the message that is sent is: 7 77–7777 .