– 35 –
Accessing Other Partitions (cont’d)
Using the GoTo Command (VISTA-20P)
If the user is authorized, a keypad in on e partition can be used to perform sy stem
functions in the other partition by using the GOTO command.
• You must u se an Alpha keypad to access another partition.
• Keypads au tomatically return to their original partition af ter 30 seconds
with no keypad activity.
1. + [∗] + partition number (0,1,2,3)
(Security Code; only applies if user has access to other partitions)
0 = r eturn to keypad’s original partition.
1 = par tition 1; 2 = partition 2; 3 = common zone
The keypad beeps to confirm the partition change.
Alpha Display:
Fixed-Word Display: Green LED lit
2. The keypad remains in the new partition until
directed to go to another partition, or until it
automatically returns to the original partition.
The active partition number is displayed in the
upper left portion of screen, if the op tion is selected.
Alpha Display:
Fixed-Word Display: Green LED lit
Multi-Partition Arming (VISTA-20P)
Some users can be given Multi-Partition arming ability by being assigned to both
partitions when programming user attributes.
When attempting to arm multi-partitions:
• You must use an Alpha keypad.
• The sys tem arms only if all partitions are “ready t o arm.”
• If any partit ion is “not ready,” the system does not arm at all.
• You can use the GOTO command to bypass open zones before arming.
• If any partition is already armed when global arming is attempted, that
partition remains in its existing armed state.
+ [0] + arm command (see list below)
(Security Code)
Multi-Partition Arming Commands
2 = arms all partitions AWAY
3 = arms all partitions STAY
33 = arms all part itions NIGHT-STAY
4 = arms all partitions M AXIMU M
7 = arms all partitions INSTANT
1 = di sarms all partitions
Alpha Display:
Fixed-Word Display: Green LED lit