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Event Logging Procedures
About Event Logging
The system records various event s in a history log, which can be view ed by the master
user on an Alpha Display keypad.
The Event Log holds up to 100 (VISTA-20P Seri es) or 50 (VISTA-15P Series) events.
Events are displayed in chronological order, from most recent to oldest.
When the log is full, the oldest even t is replaced by the logging of any new event.
Viewing the Event Log
1. + [#] + [6] + [0]
(Master Code)
Alpha Displays:
2. The system displays the most recent event as foll o w s:
event number
type of event, identified by its corre sponding code
(refer to the c ode table that follows)
zone or user number (dependin g on type of event)
partition in which event occurred
time and date of the event’s occurren ce.
3. Pressing [] displays previous events (back in time).
Pressing [#] displays events forward in time.
4. Exit the event log by pressing any key other than []
or [#].
001 E441 U001 P1
12:34AM 01/02/00
Understanding the Type of Event Displayed
If the event code is preceded by an E (as in the above display), it means that the
event is new and ongoing; if preceded by an R, it means the event has been re stored.
Code Definition
110 Fire Alarm
121 Duress
122 Alarm, 24-hour Silent
123 Alarm, 24-hour Audible
Code Definition
131 Alarm, Perimeter
132 Alarm, Interior
134 Alarm, Entry/Exit
135 Alarm, Day/Night
137 Alarm, Tamper