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About The Keypads
General Information
Your keypads allow you to control all system functions and feature the following:
• A telephone style (digital) keypad
• Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) that show the nature and location of all occurren ces
• Built-in sounder that sounds during alarms and tr oubles. The sounder also "beeps"
during certain system functions and also when depressing any of the keys ( to
acknowledge the key press).
• Backlighting of the LCD display windows. Backlig hting turns on when any key is
pressed or when entering the premi ses through any assigned entry/exit d oor. This
feature is helpful when a keypad is located in a dim ly lit area.
• Some keypads have a voice feature that ann ounces the nature and location of all
system occurrences. Voice keypads al so announce any faulted entry/exit or
perimeter zone when Chime mode is on . Ask your installer if this option ha s been
programmed for your system.
IMPORTANT: If the keypad beeps rapidly upon enteri ng the premises, it indicates that an
alarm has occurred during your absence and an intruder may still be on the premises.
LEAVE IMMEDIATELY and CONTACT THE POLICE from a nearby safe location.
Your keypads are functionally the sam e, but may have different types of displa ys,
depending on the type installed with your system.
Alpha Display 2-line alpha display keypads feature a 2-line, 32-ch aracter
alphanumeric LCD that displays system messages in friendly
English. These keypads can also be pr ogrammed with custom
zone descriptors.
Fixed-Word Display Fixed-Word display keypads are functionally identical to
Alpha display keypads, but the LCD display uses pre-
designated words to identify the natu re and location of
Voice Keypads Voice Keypads (if installed), are functionally the same as other
keypads, except that these keypads can p rovide the following:
• Voice ann ouncements of system status (see Checking for
Open Zones section)
• Voice ch ime, which can alert you to the opening of doors and
windows while the system is disarmed ( see Voice Chime in
Chime mode section)
• Message center, which lets you record and playback
messages (see Using the Voice Message C enter in the
System Overview section).