Something Wrong with your Cooker?

Before contacting your nearest Service Centre/Installer, check the problem guide below; there may be nothing wrong

with your cooker.

Problem Check
Ignition does not wor k

If all burners fail to ignite:

Oven Cavity Oven Burner Check that sp arks a ppear at the burner s;
A clic king noise s hould be heard.

If not

Check that the plug i s plug ged in to a
13amp Elect ric sock et and th e supply
is switc hed on.
Ignitor Burner Ports

If all burners still fail to ignite

Check and repl ace i f neces sary the 13am p fuse

If only one burner f ails to ignit e

Check that the burner is dry and that spillage of food or
cleaning fl uid remai ns are not affec ting t he Igni tor or burner
Clean away any debris with a dry nylon brush such as an
Hotplate Burner old dry toot hbrush.
Hob Top If a wire wool pad has b een used f or cl eaning a round the
burner ensure the Ignitor is free from any stray strands.
Any water on the bur ner shoul d be dried wi th a clot h or
kitchen towel.
On the hotplate make sure that all burner
parts are c orrec tly s eated
Burner Ports Ignit or
Oven Temperat ure se ems too Check that the tempera ture has been set in acc ordanc e wit h
high or too low the temperature charts. It may be necessary to increase or
decrease the r ecomm ended tem peratur e by 10 C to sui t your
Oven does not cook evenly. Chec k the tem peratur e and shel f pos iti on are as reco mmended
in the temper ature c harts
Check that the Utensi l bei ng used i n the ov en all ow suff ici ent
air flow around them.
Check that the cooker is l evel .
Hotplates are slow to boil or will Check that yo ur pans c onform to the r ecomm endati ons i n
not simmer these instructions.
Odour or smoke when using your new cooker This is n ormal and sho uld ceas e after a shor t peri od.
Condensation / Steam in the Oven After Use Condensation an d steam is a by produc t of coo king f ood
with a water c ontent.
To help mini mi se al ways:
A) Try to a void l eavi ng food i n the ov en to cool aft er being c ooked
B) Use a cov ed Utensi l w herever possi ble
Condensatio n on th e Wall at the Rear of the Cook er Steam and/or condens ation m ay appear from the vent at the re ar of
the appliance wh en using an ove n, parti cular ly when coo king food s
with a high wat er cont ent (S uch as Oven Chi ps or Chick en).
This is n ormal and any exces s shoul d be wi ped off