Section 4: Additional Financial Functions


The amounts of the subsequent cash flows are stored – in the order they occur – in the remaining storage registers: CF1 thru CF9 in R1 thru R9, and CF10 thru CF19 in R.0 thru R.9, respectively. If there is a CF20, that amount is stored in the FV register.*

Each cash flow (CF1, CF2, etc.) is designated CFj, where j takes on values from 1 up to the number of the final cash flow. The amount of a cash flow is entered using the K key. Each time gK is pressed, the amount in the display is stored in the next available storage register, and the number in the n register is increased by 1. This register therefore counts how many cash flow amounts (in addition to the initial investment CF0) have been entered.

Note: When entering cash flow amounts — including the initial investment CF0 — remember to observe the cash flow sign convention by pressing Þ after keying in a negative cash flow.

In summary, to enter the cash flow amounts:1.Press fCLEARHto clear the financial and storage registers.

2.Key in the amount of the initial investment, press Þ if that cash flow is negative, then press gJ. If there is no initial investment, press 0gJ.

3.Key in the amount of the next cash flow, press Þ if the cash flow is negative, then press gK. If the cash flow amount is zero in the next period, press 0 gK.

4.Repeat step 3 for each cash flow until all have been entered.

With the amounts of the cash flows stored in the calculator’s registers, you can calculate NPV as follows:

1.Enter the interest rate, using ¼or C.2.Press fl.

The calculated value of NPV appears in the display and also is automatically stored in the PV register.

*If you have stored a program in the calculator, the number of registers available for storing cash flow amounts may be less than 21. (Storage registers are automatically allocated to

program lines beginning with R.9 and proceeding in reverse order to R7, as described on

pages 93 thru 95.) The maximum number of cash flow amounts (in addition to CF0) that can be stored is the number that appears at the right of the display when gNis pressed. If the maximum number of cash flow amounts is stored, the final cash flow amount is always stored in the FV register. For example, if Ndisplays P-08r-20, the last cash flow amount that can

be stored – CF20 – will be stored in FV. Similarly, if N displays P-22r-18, the last cash flow amount that can be stored – CF18 – will be stored in FV.

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