Problem | Possible cause | Solution |
| The NiMH batteries | You must recharge all four NiMH |
| you are using were | batteries after fully draining them four |
| recharged | times for the batteries to reach their |
| incorrectly. | optimum capacity and performance. |
The wrong | The batteries were |
date and/or | dead or were |
time is | removed from the |
shown. | camera for more |
| than 10 minutes. |
Replace the batteries and then reset the date and time using the camera menus. To avoid losing date and time information, replace low batteries promptly.
The incorrect | The wrong language | Change the camera language by using |
language is | was selected when | the camera’s Setup menu. |
set on the | you started the |
camera. | camera the first |
| time. |
A long delay | The camera is still |
occurs after I | saving the last |
press the | picture you took. |
shutter button |
before the |
camera takes |
a picture. |
Wait a few seconds for the camera to finish processing the image, and then press the SHUTTER button halfway down. When a steady green light appears next to the viewfinder, the camera is ready to take another picture.
The flash is | Wait until the flash icon on the status |
recharging. | LCD stops blinking before taking another |
| flash picture. |
The light is low and the flash is turned off.
In dim light the camera requires a longer exposure. Either hold the camera very steady until it takes the picture; or improve the lighting conditions or use the flash.
A red light | Space in memory is |
appears next | insufficient for the |
to the | picture. (The status |
viewfinder | LCD shows “0” |
when I press | images remaining.) |
the shutter |
button. |
Make room in memory by deleting or unloading images, or select a lower image quality setting.
If you do not have a CF memory card installed, installing one will give you room for more images. If you have a CF memory card, remove it and see if you have room in internal memory (the status LCD shows a number other than 0), or install a new CF memory card. For more information, see “Installing a CF memory card” on page 44.
Troubleshooting, support, and warranties | 57 |