Using the Windows Logo Key

Use the Windows Logo key in combination with other keys to perform certain functions available in the Windows operating system. Refer to Keyboard on page 4 to identify the Windows Logo key.

Table 1-4Windows Logo Key Functions

The following Windows Logo Key functions are available in Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista, and Micorosoft Windows 7.

Windows Logo Key

Displays or hides the Start menu



Windows Logo Key + d

Displays the Desktop



Windows Logo Key + m

Minimizes all open applications



Shift + Windows Logo Key + m

Undoes Minimize All



Windows Logo Key + e

Launches My Computer



Windows Logo Key + f

Launches Find Document



Windows Logo Key + Ctrl + f

Launches Find Computer



Windows Logo Key + F1

Launches Windows Help



Windows Logo Key + l

Locks the computer if you are connected to a network domain,


or allows you to switch users if you are not connected to a


network domain



Windows Logo Key + r

Launches the Run dialog box



Windows Logo Key + u

Launches the Utility Manager



Windows Logo Key + Tab

Windows XP - Cycles through the Taskbar buttons


Windows Vista and Windows 7 - Cycles through programs on


the Taskbar using the Windows Flip 3-D

In addition to the Windows Logo Key functions described above, the following functions are also available in Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Ctrl + Windows Logo Key + Tab

Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the Taskbar


by using Windows Flip 3-D



Windows Logo Key + Spacebar

Brings all gadgets to the front and select Windows Sidebar



Windows Logo Key + g

Cycles through Sidebar gadgets



Windows Logo Key + t

Cycles through programs on the taskbar



Windows Logo Key + u

Launches Ease of Access Center



Windows Logo Key + any number key

Launches the Quick Launch shortcut that is in the position that


corresponds to the number (for example, Windows Logo Key + 1


launches the first shortcut in the Quick Launch menu)

In addition to the Windows Logo Key functions described above, the following functions are also available in Microsoft Windows 7.

Windows Logo Key + Ctrl + b

Switches to the program that displayed a message in the


notification area



Windows Logo Key + p

Choose a presentation display mode



Windows Logo Key + up arrow

Maximizes the window



Windows Logo Key + left arrow

Snaps the window to the left side of the screen




Keyboard 5