Get cannot write to E: with QA Partner results file at power on
When you get a message saying that ‘Cannot write (read) to (from) drive X:’, hit RETRY button and all will be well. Use the AC adapter.
Laplink transfer of large files causes reboots or file changes in 32bit mode
Use the floppy, use DOS connect, or turn 32bit transfer off. Combination of QLogic SCSI and LLRemote causes system hang
Do not use these two in combination. Also, do not use the Qlogic card/drivers in combination with ATA cards. Qlogic may have a solution early 1995.
Remote printing while Laplinked does not work when OmniBook 600 directed to network printer
Known intermittent bug. No reliable work around known. Connect directly to the printer. Transfer files using the floppy and print.
Parallel Laplink with obmouse installed cause
Serial Laplink with COMA enabled aborts large file transfers
See 32bit mode error. Laplink does not work for Modems on COM 3. Unit hangs when accessing
Don't use MSD while LapLinked.
RAM card in D causes
Screen corrupt after Laplink Word deletion, prt scr, Save Write file Known intermittent bug. Use floppy.
Laplink boot option causes unit to hang while loading Word
Known intermittent bug. Use floppy.
Cannot change Laplink speed settings every time.
Known intermittent bug. Use floppy.