

Designed around ioMemory, a revolutionary storage architecture, HP IO Accelerator is an advanced NAND flash storage device. With performance comparable to DRAM and storage capacity on par with hard disks, the IO Accelerator increases performance so that every server can contain internal storage that exceeds the I/O performance of an enterprise SAN.

HP IO Accelerator is the first data accelerator designed specifically to improve the bandwidth for I/O-bound applications.

In addition to the hardware driver, the IO Accelerator also includes a VSL. This hybrid of the RAM virtualization subsystem and the disk I/O subsystem combines the best features of both systems. VSL functions as a disk to interface well with block-based applications and software, while also running like RAM underneath to maximize performance. This feature produces the following benefits:

Performance: The VSL offers direct and parallel access to multiple CPU cores, enabling near linear performance scaling, consistent performance across different read/write workloads, and low latency with minimal interruptions and context switching.

Extensibility: The VSL enables flash-optimized software development, making each IO Accelerator module a flexible building block for creating a flash-optimized data center.

Product naming

HP IO Accelerator Generation 1 devices include:






HP IO Accelerator Generation 2 devices include:




Introduction 6