Listening to Voicemail

Visit for more information about SkypeIn and Skype Voicemail services.

Collecting Your Voicemail Messages

There are two ways to collect messages.

1Voice Announcement

Right-click the HP Internet Handset icon on the SysTray. On the Speech tab, place a check in the Check for New Voicemails checkbox.

When you receive a voicemail, the LED on the handset flashes. Lift the handset and a voice prompts, “You have one new Voicemail message. Press # to listen.” Press # to listen to the message.

2One-click Voicemail LED

Right-click the HP Internet Handset icon on the SysTray. On the Speech tab, remove the check from the Check for New Voicemails checkbox.

The LED on the handset flashes when a voicemail message is received. Lift the handset and press the Voicemail key to listen to the message. A voice prompts For example, “Voicemail from David received on (date and time).” The voicemail message automatically plays.


This section covers uninstalling the software and general troubleshooting.

Uninstalling HP Software

1Click the Windows Start Button® and select Control Panel.

2Select Add/Remove programs.

3Select HP Integration for Skype and click Remove. Then follow the on-screen instructions.

4After the uninstall finishes, click Finish, and restart your computer if prompted.

20HP Internet Handset User’s Guide