3.The menu list updates and shows the display now Connected to the new player. Figure
Reset Display
Reset Display reboots the VOE hardware in any highlighted display selected from the menu. The display must be available (Ready to Connect). In the unlikely event that a display should freeze or seem to hang up, press the Reset Display button to make VOE operational again.
View Log
Each player has an event log created by VOE. An entry is made for every action taken at that player. Actions include logging in as administrator, making an association, breaking or clearing an association, and executing the display setting dialog. All errors with VOE are also logged.
To view the event log for a player, press the View Log button. VOE displays the log in a Windows Notepad window. The VOE log may be saved to a file, edited, formatted or viewed the same as any other text file in Windows Notepad.
Administrator Mode 19