HP Networking Quality Statement
HP Quality Policy:
"Providing products, services, and solutions of the highest quality and delivering more value to our customers that earn their respect and loyalty."
HP Networking takes great pride in the quality and reliability of its products and believes the quality of its products exceeds other vendors. HP Networking’s strong commitment to quality and confidence in its products is evident in offering an
We measure quality in terms of our customer’s experience. We believe we can always do better at understanding our customer’s expectations. That belief pushes our standards ever higher improving quality generation to generation, product to product.
Quality starts with product concept, design and validation within our Research & Development Lab; to product manufacture and deployment with our Supply Chain; to product support and customer feedback. All are essential parts of the HP Quality Improvement Cycle.
When an error in quality happens, we are the best at responding to customer issues. We utilize the HP Quality Improvement Cycle and Lean Six Sigma Quality programs to continually improve and manage our product quality. We apply the necessary corrective actions to ensure it never happens again.
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