CD and DVD Software

Playing DVDs with WinDVD

InterVideo WinDVD is an application that enables you to play DVD movies. WinDVD is preloaded on the notebook, but not preinstalled.

Installing WinDVD

Although WinDVD can be installed by following the prompts that appear on the screen the first time you insert a DVD, Compaq recommends that you install WinDVD from the Setup Compaq Software icon before inserting a DVD.

Some DVDs contain third-party DVD player programs such as PCFriendly. If you insert a DVD that contains a third-party player program before you have installed WinDVD, you are prompted to install that third-party player program and not WinDVD. If you prefer to install WinDVD, decline the third-party player installation, usually by pressing a No, Cancel, or Exit button, then close the installation window.

To install WinDVD from the Setup Compaq Software icon:

In Windows XP Professional, select Start > Setup Compaq Software icon. Select InterVideo WinDVD > Next button, then follow the instructions on the screen.

In Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP Home,

If the Setup Compaq Software icon is on the desktop, select the icon > InterVideo WinDVD > Next button, then follow the instructions on the screen.


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