
NOTE: Your computer may look slightly different from the illustration in this section.








esc key

Displays system information when pressed in



combination with the fn key.





fn key

Executes frequently used system functions when



pressed in combination with a function key, the num lk



key, the esc key, or the b key.





Windows key

Returns you to the Start screen from an open app or the



Windows desktop.



NOTE: Pressing the Windows key again will return you



to the previous screen.





Function keys

Execute frequently used system functions when pressed



in combination with the fn key.





Embedded numeric keypad

When the keypad is turned on, it can be used like an



external numeric keypad.



Each key on the keypad performs the function indicated



by the icon in the upper-right corner of the key.





Windows applications key

Displays options for a selected object.





Chapter 2 Getting to know your computer