

The following list describes the optional modi®er characters:

aPosition the ®les after the existing positioning ®le speci®ed by posname .

bPlace the new ®les before the existing positioning ®le speci®ed by posname .

cSuppress the message normally produced when a®le is created. For r and q operations, ar nor- mally creates a®le if it does not already exist.

fTruncate the named ®le names to 14 bytes before performing operations on an archive. This modi®er has been provided for compatibility with previous releases where ®le names up to a maximum of 14 bytes were supported. Longer ®le names were truncated. When used with the r operation, the ®rst existing ®le that matches the truncated ®le name is replaced. The f modi®er can also be used with other operations to allow the full ®le names to be speci®ed, rather than the truncated ®le names. Also see the description of the F modi®er.

iPlace the new ®les before the existing positioning ®le speci®ed by posname . Identical to the b modi®er.

lPlace temporary ®les in the local current working directory rather than in the directory speci®ed by the environment variable TMPDIR or in the default directory /var/tmp. Only the d, m, q, and r operations and the s and F modi®ers use temporary ®les.

sRegenerate the archive symbol table even if ar is not invoked with an operation that modi®es the archive contents. This modi®er is useful for restoring the archive symbol table after the strip command has been used on the archive (see strip(1)) or after the archive has been modi®ed using the z modi®er.

uUpdate the archive. (r operations only) Do not copy the local ®le to the archive unless the local ®le is newer than the corresponding existing ®le in the archive.

vGive a verbose ®le-by-®le description of the creation or modi®cation of an archive ®le to the stan- dard output. When used with t, v gives a long listing of all information about the ®les. When used with the d, m, p, q, or x operations, the verbose modi®er causes ar to print each key opera- tion character and the ®le name associated with that operation. For the r operation, ar shows an a if it adds a new ®le or an r if it replaces an existing one. For the p operation, ar prints the name of the ®le to the standard output before the contents of the ®le are printed.

zSuppress the rebuilding of the symbol table when the archive is modi®ed. This modi®er is useful only to avoid long build times when creating a large archive piece-by-piece. If an existing archive contains a symbol table, the z modi®er will cause it to be invalidated. If a ®le name longer than 15 bytes is given the entire archive is rewritten. To rebuild the symbol table, either use the ranlib command (see ranlib(1)), or invoke ar again with the s modi®er.

ASuppress warning messages regarding optional access control list entries. ar does not archive optional access control list entries in a ®le's access control list (see acl(5)). Normally, a warning message is printed for each ®le having optional access control list entries.

CPrevent extracted ®les from replacing ®les with the same name. The C modi®er can only be used with the x operation.

FTruncate the entire archive. The F modi®er causes the entire archive to be rewritten such that all ®le names within the archive are truncated to 14 bytes, even when ar does not modify the archive contents. The long name table will be removed (see ar(4)). This modi®er has been pro- vided for compatibility with previous releases where ®le names up to a maximum of 14 bytes were supported. Also see the description of the f modi®er.

TTruncate ®le names whose archive names are longer than those supported by the ®le system. By default, ®les with names longer than those supported by the ®le system will not be extracted and will cause an error. The T modi®er can only be used with the x operation.

Only the following combinations are meaningful; no other combination of modi®ers with operations have any effect on the operation:

d: v, f, F, l


v, f, F, l, and a b i




v, f, F, l, c, A, u, and a

b i


q: v, f, F, l, c, A, z, s



t: v, f, F, s



HP-UX Release 11i: December 2000

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Section 121
