User commands
Viewing information about your cluster
Command | Description |
bhosts | Displays hosts and their static and dynamic resources |
bhpart | Displays information about host partitions |
bmgroup | Displays information about host groups |
blimits | Displays information about resource allocation limits of running jobs |
bparams | Displays information about tunable batch system parameters |
bqueues | Displays information about batch queues |
brsvs | Displays advance reservations |
bugroup | Displays information about user groups |
busers | Displays information about users and user groups |
lshosts | Displays hosts and their static resource information |
lsid | Displays the current LSF version number, cluster name and the master |
| host name |
lsinfo | Displays load sharing configuration information |
lsload | Displays dynamic load indices for hosts |
Monitoring jobs and tasks
Command | Description |
bhist | Displays historical information about jobs |
bjgroup | Displays information about job groups |
bjobs | Displays information about jobs |
blimits | Displays information about resource allocation limits |
bpeek | Displays stdout and stderr of unfinished jobs |
bsla | Displays information about service class configuration for |
bstatus | Reads or sets external job status messages and data files |
Submitting and controlling jobs
Command | Description |
bbot | Moves a pending job relative to the last job in the queue |
bchkpnt | Checkpoints a checkpointable job |
bgadd | Creates job groups |
bgdel | Deletes job groups |
bkill | Sends a signal to a job |
bmig | Migrates a checkpointable or rerunnable job |
bmod | Modifies job submission options |
bpost | Sends a messages and attaches data files to a job |
bread | Reads messages and attached data files from a job |
brequeue | Kills and requeues a job |
Command | Description |
bsub | Submits a job |
bswitch | Moves unfinished jobs from one queue to another |
btop | Moves a pending job relative to the first job in the queue |
bsub command
bsub [options] command [arguments]
Option | Description |
Sends email when the job is dispatched | |
Holds the job in the PSUSP state at submission | |
| Submits a batch interactive job. |
| terminal. |
Submits a job and waits for the job to finish | |
Emails the job report when the job finishes | |
Makes a job rerunnable | |
Exclusive execution | |
| String format parameter containing the name of an |
| master esub |
| Dispatches the job on or after the specified date and |
| time in the form [[month:]day:]:minute |
| Sets a |
| the processes that belong to this job |
| Limits the total CPU time the job can use. CPU time is |
host_model] | in the form [hour:]minute |
| Sets |
| for each process that belong to the job |
| Appends the standard error output to a file |
"external_scheduler_options" | the job |
| Runs the specified |
[arguments ...]" | execution host before running the job |
| |
| remote (execution) host. op is one of >, <, <<, ><, <> |
| Sets |
| process that belong to the job |
| Associates job with a specified user group |
| Associates job with a specified job group |
| Gets the standard input for the job from specified file |
| Assigns the specified name to the job. Job arrary |
%job_slot_limit" | Index_list has the form |
| %job_slot_limit is the maximum number of jobs that |
-L login_shell
-Lp ls_project_name
-m "host_name [@cluster_name] [+[pref_level]] host_group[+[pref_level]] ..."
-M mem_limit
-n min_proc[,max_proc]
-o output_file
-P project_name
-p process_limit
-q "queue_name ..."
-R "res_req"
-sla service_class_name
-sp priority
-S stack_limit
-s signal
-T thread_limit
-t term_time
-U reservation_ID -u mail_user
-v swap_limit
-w 'dependency_expression'
-wa '[signal command CHKPNT]'
-wt '[hour:]minute'
-W run_time[/host_name / host_model]
Initializes the execution environment using the specified login shell
Assigns the job to the specified License Scheduler project
Runs job on one of the specified hosts. Plus (+) after the names of hosts or host groups indicates a preference. Optionally, a positive integer indicates a preference level. Higher numbers indicate greater preferences for those hosts.
Sets the memory limit (KB)
Specifies the minimum and maximum numbers of processors required for a parallel job
Appends the standard output to a file
Assigns job to specified project
Sets the limit of the number of processes for the whole job
Submits job to specified queues
Specifies host resource requirements
Specifies the service class where the job is to run
Sets a
Send signal when a queue-level run window closes
Sets the limit of the number of concurrent threads for the whole job
Specifies the job termination deadline in the form [[month:]day:]hour:minute
Use advance reservation created with brsvadd
Sends mail to the specified email address
Set the total process virtual memory limit (KB) for the whole job
Places a job when the dependency expression evaluates to TRUE
Specifies the job action to be taken before a job control action occurs
Specifies the amount of time before a job control action occurs that a job warning action is to be taken
Sets the run time limit of the job in the form [hour:]minute
Spools a command file for the job to the directory specified by the JOB_SPOOL_DIR in lsb.params
Prints command usage to stderr and exits
Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits
brestart | Restarts a checkpointed job |
bresume | Resumes a suspended job |
bstop | Suspends a job |
| can run at any given time. |
| Makes a job checkpointable and specifies the |
[method=method_name]" | checkpoint directory, period in minutes, and method |
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training@platform.com | |
Last Update: September 29 2005 | +1 87PLATFORM (+1 877 528 3676) |
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