151 Photos, videos, and music
6. Slide to the left to go to the next photo or video.
7. Tap Upload.
8. Select which album to upload to and set privacy settings for the uploaded
photos or videos.
9. Tap Done.
Sharing photos or videos on Flickr
You need to be logged in to your Flickr account to be able to upload photos or videos.
From the Home screen, tap , and then tap Gallery.
Tap the album where the photos or videos you want to share are in.
Tap , and then tap Flickr.
Select the photos or videos you want to share and then tap Next.
Enter a different title and description on each photo or video.
You can also tag friends on your photos. Tap Tag this photo, and then tap the
part where your friend is. From the list that shows, select who you want to tag.
6. Slide to the left to go to the next photo or video.