27 Personalizing
Friend Stream
Find out what everyone is saying in your social networks. From the main Home screen, slide
to the Friend Stream home screen panel. To know more about this application, see “Friend
Stream” in the People chapter.
1 Shows the type of social network a contact is linked to.
2 Displays a friend’s latest Facebook or Twitter status update. Tap it to open the Friend Stream
application and do more with your social network account.
3 Tap to enter your status message.
4 Indicates the time the Friend Stream home screen panel was last updated. Tap this bar to refresh
the screen.
You need to be connected to the Internet and logged in to at least one social network to
download status updates.
Browse through received text and multimedia messages on this screen.
1 Tap the current message displayed to open and read the message as well as previous messages
between you and the sender.
2 Tap to open the Messages application.