you can enable or disable the wireless network function through the
wireless network function, do
oose Basic > Wireless Lan.
Step 3 Select the Enable or Disable option button of Access Point.
wireless network function in the same way. The WLAN indicator shows whether
wireless network function is enabled.
In addition,
Web-based configuration utility. To enable or disable the
as follows:
Step 1 Log in to the Web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree on the left, ch
Step 4 Click Submit to save the settings.
5.3 Changing the Wireless Network Name and the Access Password To change the name and access password for the wireless network, do as follows
n combo box.
mbo box.
Step 6 Enter an access password in the Pre-Shared Key text box.
(taking e authentication type WPA-PSK as an example):
Step 1 Log in to the Web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree on the left, choose Basic > Wireless Lan.
Step 3 Enter a wireless network name in the SSID text box.
Step 4 Select WPA-PSK from the Authentication Type drop-dow
Step 5 Select TKIP from the Encryption drop-down co
Step 7 Click Submit to save the settings.
5.4 Changing the IP Address Used for Logging In to the Web-Based Configuration Utility mber, you can change the IP address after
To change the IP address, do as follows:
the Main IP Address text box. Then,
enter a subnet mask in Main Subnet Mask.
Step 3 Click Submit to save the settings.
To make the login IP address easy to reme
logging in to the Web-based configuration utility.
Step 1 Choose Basic > LAN Setting in the navigation tree to display the LAN
settings page.
Step 2 Enter a new IP address as desired in