Push Button Elements Specification Sheet 2040-1
Hubbell Industrial Controls, Inc.
A subsidiary of Hubbell Incorporated
4301 Cheyenne Dr., Archdale, NC. 27262
Telephone (336) 434-2800 • FAX (336) 434-2803
AccessoriesRubber Boots &
Mushroom Caps
Hubbell has a large assortment
of replacement boots, buttons,
push-pull caps, and mushroom
caps in red, green, yellow and
black. They also have
specially marked "Stop" caps.
Cord Connector Kits
Hubbell has the patented
Gotcha® Ring that grips the
cord like a vise when the fitting
is tightened. With the addition
of the neoprene brushing,
Hubbell's connectors are
unsurpassed in liquid-tight
performance and pull-out
Name Plates
Hubbell has nameplates made
from chemically resistant fiber.
They are available as blanks or
with special engravings.
Pilot Light Lenses/Bulbs
Hubbell has red, amber, green,
white, blue, and clear pilot light
lenses that are interchange-
able with the original lenses.
They also have replacement
incandescent and neon bulbs.
Nut Wrenches
Hubbell has nut wrenches
specifically designed to simpli-
fy the installation of pushbut-
tons and selector switches,
even those with mushroom
Add-A-Block Contacts
Hubbell has Add-A-Block con-
tacts, which can add additional
circuits to a 22mm pushbutton.
With the addition of an Add-A-
Block it is possible to construct
pushbuttons with a total of six
circuits. Available in 2-NO, 2-
NC and NO/NC combinations
Dimensional Illustrations