11.Media List
2. Play Option
Play Option for a File
Select a file you want to play and press the OK button. A popup will appear to display the play option.
•Play from the last played position: Play the file from the point it has been stopped.
•Play from the start: Play the file from the beginning.
•Delete a file: Delete the file. Select Yes and press the OK button.
•Rename: Rename the file. Enter the name using the keyboard displayed. Press the YELLOW button to complete.
•Play at chapter: Select a still image and press the / button to select the chapter you wish to view.
•You can also press the PLAY button to play the file from the last played position.
•A chapter is made automatically by dividing a file into eight smaller files and capturing a still image of each smaller file. Chapters are used in play option by pressing the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons.
Play Option for Playlist
Select the playlist and press the OK button.
•Play: Play all files in the playlist.
•Delete: Delete the playlist.
•Edit: Edit the playlist.
Note: After making a playlist, you can view the playlist in video list. (Refer to File Manager on p.54.)
User’s Manual