Lower Range

Settings: Auto, 10 to 1000 feet, 3 to 330 meters [International Models only]; Default = Auto

Lower Range sets the deepest depth range that will be displayed by the unit.

Auto: The Lower Range will be adjusted by the unit to follow the bottom automatically. Auto is the default setting.

Manual: You can adjust the Lower Range to lock the unit on a particular depth. Adjust the Upper and Lower Range together to view a specific depth range, especially when looking for fish or bottom structure.

For example, if you are fishing in 60 feet of water but are only interested in the first 30 feet (surface to a depth of 30 feet), you should set the Lower Depth Range limit to 30. The display will show the 0 to 30 foot range, which allows you to see a more detailed view than you would see if the display went all the way to the bottom.

NOTE: A minimum distance of 10 feet will be maintained between the Upper and Lower Range regardless of the manual settings entered.

Color Palette(Circular Flasher View, Ice Fishing Mode only)

Settings: Palette 1, Palette 2, Palette 3; Default = Palette 1

Color Palette sets the colors used to display sonar returns in the Circular Flasher View when Ice Fishing Mode is turned on. The active color palette is shown in the center of the circular flasher display. The color palettes range from weak to strong sonar return signals, which are displayed left to right on the color preview bar. See Views: Circular Flasher View for more information.

Choose from the following color palettes:Palette 1: Green (weak), Yellow (medium), Red (strong)Palette 2: Yellow (weak), Green (medium), Red (strong)

Palette 3: Blue (weakest), Green (weak), Light Green (weak to medium), Yellow (medium), Orange (fairly strong), Red (strong)

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