To activate Flasher Zoom:

The Zoom feature displays a 2x magnified view of the area you choose on the flasher display.

1.Set up: Press the VIEW key repeatedly until the Circular Flasher View is displayed on the screen. Turn on the Ice Fishing Mode (see Sonar Menu Tab).

2.Activate: Press the MENU key. Select Zoom Level from the X-Press™ Menu, and press the RIGHT Cursor key to select 2X. Zoom upper limit and lower limit lines will appear on the display.

3.Close the X-PressMenu: Press the EXIT key.

4.Adjust the Zoom Range: Press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor keys repeatedly to adjust the zoom range and select the area you want to magnify. The zoomed view is shown on the right side of the flasher dial between two lines. The normal view is shown on the left side of the flasher dial.

5.Close Zoom: Press the MENU key. Select Zoom Level from the X-Press™ Menu, and press the LEFT Cursor key to select 1X.

Circular Flasher Zoom

Normal View (reading the full depth of the water column)

Zoom Line (upper limit)


Press the RIGHT

Zoom Line

or LEFT Cursor

key to change

(lower limit)

Zoom View

the Zoom

(2X magnification)

