AIS Submenu: The AIS submenu allows you to track targets, receive alerts when targets are within the distance you set, and display targets in Track View. In Bird’s Eye View, only the position will be displayed.

To change settings in the AIS Submenu:

Highlight AIS in the Accessories Menu tab, and press the RIGHT Cursor key to access the AIS Submenu.

Tracking Target sets targets and related information to be visible (On) or hidden (Off) in the Track View. In Bird’s Eye View, only target position will be displayed. (Settings: On, Off; Default = On)

CPA (Closest Point of Approach) Limits sets how close a vessel can approach. The amount can be set in nautical miles or time. When the vessel has traveled past the set limit, the Vessel Icon will turn red in the view and an alarm will sound. Press any key to turn off the alarm. Press the RIGHT Cursor key to open the dialog box.

CPA sets the closest point of approach, measured in nautical miles.

TCPA sets the closest point of approach, measured in time.

Target List shows active targets and related information that is available with each AIS update. Press the RIGHT Cursor key to open the Target List.

Sort: The list is sorted by MMSI number (if available). Targets without an MMSI will be shown at the bottom of the list.

Scroll: Use the UP or DOWN Cursor keys to scroll through the list and highlight targets. Press and hold the DOWN Cursor key to scroll through all the targets on the list quickly.

Accessories Menu Tab