UPPERTEMP is the upper
temperature boundary for the
temperature alarm. The inside
temp alarm will sound when
the water temperature was initially above the upper
temp boundary and then falls below it. The outside
temp alarm will sound when the water temperature
was initially below the temp boundary and then rises
above it.
The UPPERTEMP setting is retained in memory after the
LEGEND2000 SERIES is tur ned off. The factory setting is 78°
F/ 26° C.
LOWERTEMP is the lower
temperature boundary for the
temperature alarm. The inside
temp alarm will sound when
the water temperature was initially below the lower
temp boundary and then rises above it. The outside
temp alarm will sound when the water temperature
was initially above the temp boundary and then falls
below it.
The LOWERTEMP setting is retained in memory after the
Legend 2000 Series is turned off. The factory setting
is 72°F/ 22° C.
Fish Alarm
(Deep Models only)
will sound when a fish (or
other target not connected to
the bottom) that meets the selected size criteria is
detected by the sonar. The F
has four different
settings, O
plus the three different fish symbols
shown onscreen (see F
ID). The 2000 Deep/2005 Deep can
be set to alarm only large fish, (displayed as a large
fish symbol), only large and medium fish (displayed as
one large and one medium fish symbol), or all sizes of
fish (displayed as one large, one medium, and one
small fish symbol).
The FISHALARM setting is retained in memory after the 2000
Deep/2005 Deep is turned off. The factory setting is OFF.
Fish Sensitivity
FISHSENSITIVITY (Deep Models only)
adjusts the sensitivity of the
fish detection algorithms
separately from the sonar gain control knob. Selecting
a positive offset makes the fish detection more
sensitive (+5 = greatest sensitivity). Selecting a
negative offset makes the fish detection less sensitive
(-5 = least sensitivity).
The FISH SENSITIVITY setting is retained in memory after the
2000 Deep/2005 Deep is turned off. The factory setting is 0.
Fish ID
FISHID (Deep Models only) uses
advanced signal processing to
evaluate further any sonar
return between the surface
and the bottom. If the return meets certain additional
criteria, a fish symbol will be assigned. There are three
different fish symbols to indicate the intensity of the
sonar return. While signal intensity is a good indicator
of fish size, different species of fish have different
sonar characteristics, so it is not always possible to
distinguish fish size amongst varying species.
Selecting FRESHWATER will adjust the algorithms toward
freshwater species of fish, while selecting SALTWATERwill
adjust the algorithms towards saltwater species.
Note: The signal intensity is “normalized” for depth so that asmall fish close to the boat will not appear as a large fishsymbol. The digital depth of the designated fish is also shownto help locate the fish vertically. This is especially helpful insetting bait depths or for downrigger operation.The FISH ID setting is retained in memory after the 2000
DEEP/2005DEEP is turned off. The factory setting is Off.
SIMULATORallows the LEGEND 2000
SERIES to operate in simulated
sonar mode. This is useful for
learning the features and
functionality of the LEGEND2000 SERIES when not on the
water. Settings to Control Panels that are retained in
normal operation will be retained in Simulator Mode if
a transducer is connected. When operating with the
Simulator on and without a transducer connected, the
Legend 2000 Series does not remember any changes
to settings.
The Simulator setting defaults to factory settings after the
Legend 2000 Series is turned off.
UNITS selects the units of
measure for boat speed.
Selecting KTS displays the
speed in nautical miles per hours; MPH displays the
speed in miles per hour. UNITSselects the units of
measure for boat speed and depth in one of two
combinations supported by every LEGEND2000 SERIES:
•FEET/MPH displays depth in feet and speed in miles per hour.
•FEET/KTS DISPLAYSdepth in feet and speed in nautical miles per hour.