The Wide One Hundred adjusts the depth range automatically, so the bottom return is displayed at the bottom 1/3 of the display. This leaves the top 2/3 to display anything between the surface and the bottom. As your boat moves over deeper or shallower water, the unit adjusts the depth range of the display to keep the bottom return in the same general area on the screen.
You may, however, choose to control this range adjustment manually. By pressing ENTER, you can select manual operation, meaning the unit will no longer adjust the depth range automatically. The depth range selected is controlled by the UP and DOWN arrow buttons. The depth ranges are 015', 30', 60', 120', 180', 240', 360', 480', & 600'.
If you alter the depth range, Manual operation is automatically selected and the area beneath the bottom will no longer be
This feature is valuable if you are only interested in targets near the surface. The Wide One Hundred will always display the digital depth of the water, regardless of whether the bottom is shown on the selected depth range.