Setting Options
1. 1st stage span - The factory setting for Stage 1 heating and cooling is 1, meaning that your thermostat will
cycle at 1°F (0.5°C) above and below the set temperature in Stage 1. If the system is cycling too fast or
too slow, then the Span can be adjusted to change the cycle time. To change the 1st Stage span, see #1,
2. 2ndstagespan - The second or auxiliary stage turns on when the rst stage does not have enough
capacity to reach the set temperature. The factory setting for 2nd Stage span is 2 (3°F, 1.5°C). To change
the 2nd Stage span, see page 37.
3. The Residual Cooling Fan Delay Setting - Sets the fan to run for 0, 30, 60, or 90 seconds after the
compressor turns off in the cooling mode. The default setting is 30 seconds. To change the Residual
Cooling Fan Delay Setting, see page 37.
4. The Refresh Cycle Time - Sets the fan to run automatically at intervals of 10, 15, 20, or 30 minutes to
circulate air when the system is not running for heating or cooling. The default setting is 15 minutes. To
change the Refresh Cycle Time, see page 37.
5. Auto Recovery - allows heating and cooling systems to gradually recover from an energy-saving setpoint
temperature to a comfort setpoint temperature. Auto Recovery calculates the time needed to adjust the
temperature to the next program setting. When the thermostat is in Auto Recovery mode, the display will
1. Press the Up and Down buttons at the same time and hold them for three seconds. The LCD Display
will show “sta 1” and the 1st stage Span setting, either 1 (factory setting), 2, or 3, meaning that the Span
setting is at 1°F (0.5°C), 2F° (1°C), or 3F° (1.5°C).
2. Press the Up button to increase the 1st stage Span setting, which will cause your system to run longer.
Press the Down button to decrease the 1st stage Span setting, which will cause your system to run
1. PressProgramafteryounishsettingtheStage1span.TheLCDDisplaywillshow“STA2”andthe2nd
stage Span setting, either 1, 2 (factory setting), 3, 4, or 5, meaning that the Span setting is at 2°F (1°C),
3°F (1.5°C), 4°F (2°C), 5°F (2.5°C), or 6°F (3°C).
2. Press the Up button to increase the 2nd stage Span setting. Press the Down button to decrease the 2nd
stage Span setting.
1. Enter the “Option Mode”.
2. Press “Program” until the display shows “RCFD”.
3. Press the UP button to increase the Delay time.
4. Press the Do w n button to decrease the Delay time.
1. Enter the “Option Mode”.
2. Press “Program” until the display shows “FAN”.
3. Press the UP button to increase the Cycle time.
4. Press the Do w n button to decrease the Cycle time.
1. Enter the “Option Mode”.
2. Press “Program” until the display shows “RECO”.
3. Press the UP button or the Do w n button to turn Auto Recovery on or off.