Technical data | 326P4 |
| |
Engine |
| |
Cylinder capacity, cu. in/cm3 | 1,50/24,5 |
| |
Cylinder bore, inch/mm | 1,34/34 |
| |
Stroke length, inch/mm | 1,06/27 |
| |
Recommended max. speed, rpm | 12 500 |
| |
Idling speed, rpm | 2700 |
| |
Max. engine output, acc. to ISO 8893 | 0,9kW/ 9000 | rpm | |
Catalytic converter muffler | Yes |
| |
Yes |
| ||
Ignition system |
| |
Manufacturer/type of ignition system | Walbro MB |
| |
Spark plug | Champion RCJ 6Y | ||
Electrode gap, inch/mm | 0,02/0,5 |
| |
Fuel lubrication system |
| |
Manufacturer/type of carburetor | Zama C1Q | ||
Fuel tank capacity, US pint/litres | 1,06/0,5 |
| |
Weight |
| |
Weight without fuel, cutting tool and |
| |
guard, Lbs/kg | 11,9/5,4 |
| |
Noise levels |
| |
Equivalent noise pressure level at the user’s |
| |
ear, measured according to EN/ISO 11806 |
| |
and ISO 10884, dB(A), min/max: | 94 |
| |
Equivalent noise power level at the user’s |
| |
ear, measured according to EN/ISO 11806 |
| |
and ISO 10884, dB(A), min/max: | 105 |
| |
Vibration levels |
| |
Vibration levels on the handles, measured |
| |
according to EN/ISO 11806 and ISO |
| |
7916, m/s |
| |
When idling, left/right handles: | 2,2/2,6 |
| |
At max. speed, left/right handles: | 6,6/7,5 |
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