LIMITATIONSAND EXCEPTIONS4: SECTION | following:the fromresulting fectsde otinapplicable beshall warrantyThis | t,rus moisture,abrasives, dirt,fuel, staleincluding neglect,and negligencemisuse, abuse,(1)Accident, | habits;eus orstorage rrectinco otue dno reactieadvers anyor corrosion, | or:laws; | .above theof anyafter occurringuse uedcontin todue componentsor rtspa ote damag(4)Additional | OF CONSEQUENTIAL EXCEPT | TODURATION INLIMITED ISPRODUCTS THESEON PURPOSEARTICULAR PA FORFITNESS RO ITY | TICE,NO WITHOUTPRODUCT THEOF DESIGNTHE IMPROVEOR CHANGETO RIGHTTHE SSERVE | .UCTS ODPR MANUFACTUREDYPREVIOUSL ATEDUP TOATION OBLIGASSUME NOTS DOEAND | longhow onmitations lior damages,consequential orincidental ofnexclusio theallow notdo statesSome | givesnty warraThis .you toapply notmay xclusionser omitations live abothe solasts, warrantyied mplian | .state tostate fromvary whichrights otherhave alsomay youand rights,legal cfiic esp you | ONSIBILITIESRESP CUSTOMER5: SECTION | writtenas pee upkgeneral andstorage operation,e, can maintencare, reasonableexhibit mustproduct The | occur,re failuor problemoperational anhould S.manual ’sner’s/Operator Owthe ofction sence amainten eth in | Proof.on evaluatifor dealerHusqvarna authorizedan tois asdelivered butused, benot shouldproduct the | .customer thewith solelyrests 6,ection sin explainedas purchase,of | CONSIDERATIONWARRANTY OBTAINTO PROCEDURE6: SECTION | properlyis Cardtration isReg Warrantythe thatcertain maketo responsibilityDealer’s andOwner’s theis It | days(10) tenwithin mailedbe dshoul cardThis .ny CompaGarden &Forest varnaHusq tomailed andout lledfi | .service | .items displayand oolstchains, andbars includingssoriesaccerts,pamentReplaceWarranty:Day30 | ationaler arecharges opthe delivery ofdate and from up days | “Yellowthe throughlocated normallybe caner dealHusqvarna authorizednA .warranty thisby coverednot | .aare yourin dealera forHUSKY62 | ARNAHUSQV | RoadStatesville 7349 | 28269NC Charlotte, | 0220 | |||||
WARRANTYLIMITED1:SECTION | “Warrantythe forpurchase ofdate thefrom kmanshipworandalmateriindefectsfromfreebetochaser | below:forthetsasproducttheofPeriod” | Warranty:eLifetimprodheld | areawide riders,turn zero— EquipmentrfTuHusqvarnaWarranty:COMMERCIAL | .equipmentcommercialgengagingroundndawalks, | tractors, ld for handhe . garden blowers, temssys statedherein and tionec as yards, snowsaws, collassist exceptuse, mower - g power producing lawnRidingCOMMERCIAL clearinbrushcutters, andproducts nonincomenoninstitutionalnonprofessional, | gulations,re EPAand | atsupplied informationproduct hwit warrantyeparateasreceivedhaspurchaserthewhichforfacturers | .purchaseoftime | collectionassist . eus | .months 6rst fithe gdurin replacement100% | anyor equipmentftur commercialand | useor purposesproducing incomeor onal,ofessiinstitutional,Husqvarna rpercial,commforusedproduct | .hereinprovidedwieserothasexcept | purchase | mustons instructimaintenance andcare All.formwarrantyCharlotte claimawithtournedretbemustuct | notis apparel/boottive protecthe oftfi The.labelmanufacturerfollowed caretheonthebystatedasbe | .warrantyundercovered | WARRANTYTHE UNDEROBLIGATIONSHUSQVARNA’S2:SECTION | componenta iflabor rorts . pafor eriodp charge nty withoutcomponentsdefectivereplacerepairwillHusqvarna warratheduringkmanshipwormaterialfectbecausefails or orindeaof | WARRANTYTHISCOVEREDITEMSSECTION BYNOT3: | warranty:thisbycoverednotareitemsingfollowThe | butincluding, sawsprings, use,regular rewindlubricants, normalthrough bars,guide wornbecomewhichitemsmaintenanccustomerrmal(1)No ters,ladapters,bladeblades,belts,mitednot e fibs,bulto, li | tines;andropesstarterplugs,sparkchain, | respectivethe bycovered areitems ultravioletlight;duetomaterialofdiscolorationtural(2)Na theseHusqvarna;bymanufacturednotsystemsdriveand(3)Engine | |||||||||
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