Mixed-disc operationsWhile you are playing mixed disc, which contains MP3, WMA, JPG or DivX formats, just insert the disc into the CD
slot and the menu on the right hand side will be prompted. The unit will directly play the audio files. However, you
can use the cursor buttons and ENTER button to select the format that you would like to view/listen to.
Audio mode
Audio files will be played directly if they are presented in the mixed disc. Use the cursor and ENTER buttons to
choose the folde r and file. The le ft column on the me nu is the folder list , the right co lumn on the menu is the file list.
Photo mode
JPG files on the disc will be grouped in this category. Use the cursor and ENTER buttons to choose the folder and
file. The left column on the menu is the folder list while the right column on the menu is the file list. The unit only
supports JPG file.
Video mode
Video files will be grouped in this category. Both MP4, MPEG4 and Div X (*.avi) file format are supported. Use the
cursor and ENTER but tons to c hoose the fo lder and f ile. The le ft column on the menu is the fold er list wh ile the r ight
column on t he menu is t he file list .
Selecting Tracks
On the panel pre ss NEXT butto n to advance to the ne xt track. Tr ack numbers will be shown on the display. Press a nd
hold NEXT to fast forward. Pr e ss P RE V I O US bu t t o n to go to the pre v io us t rack. Track nu mbers will be sho wn on
the displa y. Press a nd hold PR EVIOUS bu tton to fa st revers e. Disc w ill play no rmally whe n the but tons are r eleased.
On the RC use PREVIOUS/SEEK- or NEXT/SEEK+ buttons.