by IBM
IBM 15/20.4/30 GB Ultra ATA/100 (EIDE) Hard Disk Drives User’s Guide Supplement
If you are using Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or Windows 98:Disregard this section on setting jumpers; instead, read the “Installing DiskGo!” section in the User’s Guide.
If you are using Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Microsoft Windows NT Workstation or IBMOS/2: Read this entire section on
setting jumpers; this information supplements the information in your User’s Guide.
The IBM 15 GB, 20.4 GB, and 30 GB Ultra ATA/100 (EIDE) Hard Disk Drives offer a choice of jumper configurations so that the drive will function properly on the widest range of computers. In some older computers, the BIOS (basic input/output system) will not recognize a large capacity hard disk drive, such as 2.1 GB, 4.2 GB, 7.9 GB, or 8.4 GB. The following instructions will help you determine if your computer has one of these BIOS limitations, and what configuration settings your computer requires so that the drive will be recognized.
Match your drive part number (on the drive label) with one of the diagrams. If the drive part number is 07N4108, 07N4109, or 07N4110, configure your drive using the jumper setting from Set A in Figure 1. If the drive part number is 19K1618, 19K1619, or 19K1620, configure your drive using the jumper setting from Set A in Figure 2.
Return to the User’s Guide and follow instructions beginning with “Determining Where to Begin” in the Installation Guide (Part 1).
Figure 1
Jumper settings for drives with the following Part Numbers ONLY: 07N4108, 07N4109, or 07N4110
Set B for overcoming
BIOS limitations
(2 GB clip setting)
Set A
Cable select
Slave present
Figure 2
Jumper settings for drives with the following Part Numbers ONLY: 19K1618, 19K1619, or 19K1620
Set B for overcoming
BIOS limitations (7.9 GB clip setting)
Set A
Cable select
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Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000. All rights reserved
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