From manufacturing to the customer site, IBM® printing supplies provide exceptional quality and value to our customers.
IBM Printing Supplies
IBM printing supplies have been engineered specifically to complement IBM’s line of printers, from up to 3 pages per minute
to over 1,000 impressions per minute. Manufactured with stringent quality control standards, IBM printing supplies can help you maximize productivity, minimize maintenance and deliver exceptional print quality. With IBM printing supplies, you can get page after page of clear, sharp print at an affordable price. To optimize the performance of your IBM printer, use only genuine
IBM printing supplies.
IBM Brand Paper
To enhance the performance and quality of output on your printers, IBM provides a complete line of IBM brand paper and transparencies. From cut sheet papers and transparencies for copiers, ink jet and laser printers to roll
paper for continuous form printers and computer paper for impact printers, IBM brand papers are performance guaranteed.
Manufactured to stringent quality standards, IBM Brand paper is consistently tested for smoothness, brightness, opacity, runability and other features that impact product integrity. For a complete list of IBM papers and where to buy, visit ibm.com/printers/supplies.