Address Map
The core of the UART function is supplied by the EXAR XR16L788 chip.
This chip is 16550 and 16750 compatible, but has extra features that require communicating with an
additional 8 registers per channel. For instance, it is necessary to set the “Auto RTS” function. (EXAR
refers to this function as “Auto RS485" in their literature). The required writing to the UART is done
automatically when the card is rebooted.
In order to utilize standard software that communicates only with the first 8 registers of each channel,
addresses are remapped on the card.
The 8 UARTS occupy the first 64 addresses.
The interrupt status register is located at base + 40h.
Baud Rates
On the card, the UART clock frequency is 1.8432 MHz. Below is a table of popular divisor frequencies.
Baud Rate Divisor x1 Divisor x8 Max Diff. Cable Length*
921600 - 1 250 ft
460800 - 2 550 ft
230400 - 4 1400 ft
153600 - 6 2500 ft
115200 1 8 3000 ft
57600 2 16 4000 ft
38400 3 24 4000 ft
28800 4 32 4000 ft
19200 6 48 4000 ft
14400 8 64 4000 ft
9600 12 96 – Most Common 4000 ft
4800 24 192 4000 ft
2400 48 384 4000 ft
1200 96 768 4000 ft
*These are theoretical maximums based on typical conditions and good quality cables, based on the EIA
485 and EIA 422 standard for balanced differential drivers.
Table 5-1: Baud Rate Divisor Values